These days, there are so many options to self publish your work that I think budget concerns no longer needs to be something that holds you back. I'm somewhere in between the two extremes, I spend money on my self published works, but not massive amounts of either.
When I decide to partner with someone for a book related service, it's usually because I don't have the skill set I need, or I need to pick something to focus on, usually writing and pay someone to do what I can't. Because as much as I would like to think I can, I can't do everything and still work full time. A book cover is a great example of what I mean.
Partnering with someone is a big deal. Because not only is it such a vulnerable step letting someone into your creation process, but chances are, your entire relationship will remain online. It's why I aim to ensure we have long term relationships in place, and I try to avoid once off relationships if I can. Sure, living through a pandemic has made this part a bit easier. But for me at least, it feels more "raw" to let a stranger into my book worlds before they're ready to be published.
After successfully maintaining several book related relationships to provide these services for the past two years, I found myself in the position of needing to end, not 1, but 2 of these relationships. And let me tell you, this was more devastating than any bad review I've ever gotten. Here are some of the things I did to navigate this:
Insist on a contract. No matter how much you respect or like a person, when there is a difference of opinion, the ugly sides come out. A contract keeps things neutral.
Take a step back and feel what you need to feel. You're not a bad person. Your book doesn't suck.
Keep it classy. Even if the other person gets nasty, do not sink to their level. Just cut your losses, and see how you can break away as soon as possible so you can focus on salvaging your book.
Do not engage in any bad mouthing on social media, even if the other person does. It's not worth it and I'm a huge believer of karma.
And maybe, just maybe, remember, that even if this relationship didn't work out, the next one may be the most incredible one. Don't shut down the next possibility, because it may be the one that you were waiting for.