One of the biggest questions we get asked as authors is, "Where do you get your inspiration from?"
I used to be one of the people that asked this question because I was so in awe of authors who could come up with these worlds and write incredible stories about them.
While my writing journey started with the idea I had about two best friends, and has since evolved into the series we know as the Tales of the Hidden Heir, for my other three book series, it was a bit different.
I've spoken about this before, but The War of the Witch Clans started as an idea about the Zombie Apocalypse. I really liked the idea of writing a book series about losing everything, and overcoming that. I was intrigued by the idea of "grief" as a character development point. It took a few tries, but eventually, that became what you now know as the Heritage. I've also stuck mostly to my original concept. It just isn't about zombies anymore.
How this idea evolved, was practice. There really is no other way to describe it. I identified themes that I liked, and I mapped it out to what I thought could be a great plot structure. You don't always get it right first draft, and sometimes, it can take a couple of iterations before you end up with a version of the plot that you actually like.
I know at least that this is the case for me.
So I want to challenge all aspiring writers. Don't wait for inspiration. Pick what you like, and brainstorm with that idea, until it becomes something you like. Also, don't over think it. There are incredible writing classes that you can join for free to build confidence, and writing challenges like NaNoWriMo that you can join if you find things like this helpful.
Whatever works for you, please don't give up. The world needs more magical stories like yours.